This past weekend, the University of Delaware traveled to Boston to compete in the prestigious Head of the Charles Regatta—the premier...
The team attended the annual Navy Day Regatta on the Schuylkill River last Saturday and raced against fast crews in this...
All UDMC crews have been hard at work, logging meters on both the ergometer and the Christina River for the past...
The University of Delaware Men’s Heavyweight and Freshman Lightweight crews competed at the Head of the Occoquan in Fairfax Virginia. With...
The University of Delaware Men’s Crew team experienced yet another successful weekend of racing at The Head of the Schuylkill...
This year’s Head of the Charles marked the 50th anniversary for the famous regatta. Such a monumental year for both...
The University of Delaware Men’s Crew team traveled to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to compete in the Navy Day Regatta on the Schuylkill...
After a championship season, the Delaware Men’s Crew Team is looking for novice rowers for the upcoming 2014-15 seasons. No...
After an unprecedented 2014 Spring racing season, the University of Delaware oarsmen took advantage of the summer to train, work, and...